Senin, 12 September 2011

The morning after the weekend before...

The RRR has roared through Rockley, bringing a tidal wave of extra horses, rugs, feed buckets, haynets, headcollars, forks and brushes, 4x4s and tents...
....and by last night was gently receding, leaving nothing but paper plates, empty wine bottles and the odd extra horse in its wake.
There were vast amounts of tea and cake - in fact vast amounts of food full stop, thanks to the catering support of Catherine and Victoria Holroyd, Mel Isaac and Jackie Nelson who contributed wonderful soups, salads, cakes and puddings.  There was wine of every colour, gallons of tea and the occasional can of Red Bull; even the odd cheeky cider made an appearance on Saturday night.
There was thunder, rain, gales, the odd bit of sunshine, fog and mist.  
Frankie saw hounds for the first time...
...and behaved beautifully. 
Charlie, Dexter, Jackie's Harry and both Baileys were out as well...
"butter wouldn't melt"...
There were many reunions of old friends....Pocholo realised Kingsley was in residence...
Storm and his little friend Bracken came back...
as did Paul...
...and Soli...
Taz thinks about posh trotting...
as do Pocholo and Soli. 
There were tears, there was laughter...
there were moments of triumph, 
moments of disaster,
moments of complete confusion...
...all in all everything you would expect of a weekend focussed around horses.
There was highly technical stuff...
...times when we slobbed on the sofa..
...or wondered what on earth was happening elsewhere...
and times spent just catching up. 
  It was a great weekend, with wonderful people and fantastic horses...but it WAS busy...!
There are lots of photos up on Facebook, so check out the RRR page :-)  Wiola has also posted a very interesting blog about proprioception and feel on barefoot horses - and of course its thanks to her that I have my improved leg position in the jumping photo above - cool! - so thank you Wiola ;-)

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