Senin, 05 Maret 2012

Feel good updates for Monday morning

There seems to be so much to put on the blog at the moment that I am running out of days of the week...So today's updates came in at the end of last week but had to wait till now...Still, a bit of good news never goes amiss on a Monday!
First off, Dillon  - formerly known as Dillon with the wedges - who has been home for about 8 months and is feeling very pleased with himself.  Nicky sent this fun footage of him being lunged by a friend of hers who didn't really expect him to be quite so forward-going!

Bit of an improvement, given he used to have feet like this...
Secondly, but equally importantly, Paddy - aka The Colic Surgery Kid - who went home last month having come sound  but then having developed a bizarre new lameness while on box rest following the surgery.  I hoped and expected it to improve as his foot started to grow down again but Debbie's work programme for him was interrupted by snow and ice, just to make things more difficult.

I have been keeping everything crossed for Paddy and Debbie has now been able to get him back in consistent work and I'm delighted to say that everything is coming together again - in Debbie's words:

"I know that Paddy is still on his journey with his feet but it really feels like a progressive week - with his one horse display on the front lawn and the lesson I had on Saturday.  Jenny, my Instructor was very impressed.  We had a lesson just before he went to Rockley and this was the first one since he returned.

She was amazed at the improvements - not only to his balance, soundness and forwarding going but also his whole demeanour.  He seemed really happy and had a new willingness.  Generally he is prone to shuffling in the school but he actually seemed to be enjoying himself! and was stepping under with his back feet much more freely - especially with his sticky back right foot.  He was a real pleasure to ride!

On my part I am never going to be the most confident rider, although Devon riding has helped I have no doubt.  The biggest thing I have realised is what I could have lost and the regrets I would have had if I had lost him.  Which makes we realise that I have to make the most of him.  So that does not mean that we are going to do a load of scary stuff, but we are going to do more.  I am going to trust him more and enjoy the moment!

One friend at the yard said something really sweet - she said that Paddy and I had changed since we came back - that we seemed more connected, which is really nice."

And as a reminder, Paddy's feet used to look like this...
And to finish, here is my favourite photo of Paddy and Dillon - 2 very special boys :-)
Updates on Bryan and Georgia, who've now been here 4 weeks - where has the time gone? - to follow...

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