Sabtu, 30 Juni 2012

Two steps forward, one step back...

After a fairly good couple of weeks, with great comments from the insurance ombudsman and potentially promising developments on research here, I got an email this week that brought me back to reality.

I'd had a fairly typical enquiry from someone wanting to send their horse here. As usual, I need vet consent and the owner wanted me to talk to the vet about our rehab first.

That's always something I'm happy to do, so the owner passed my number to the vet.

I realised we might have an uphill struggle when it took the vet 2 weeks to call me. Fair enough - maybe he had more important things to do, but it was the owner who was paying his bills (and who had to chase him several times).  Eventually he did ring me and we were on the phone for a while; I sent him the research info, abstracts and detail on the horses who have been here previously.
I updated the owner and waited for him and the vet to speak.

10 days later (!) I had an email telling me that the vet wouldn't agree to the horse coming here because he wasn't convinced by the science behind our rehab!

I must admit, I have never had this sort of response from a vet before and I was pretty astonished. I don't think vets (or anyone else!) are entitled to pick and choose whether they want to be convinced by science - its either proven or its not!

Bear in mind that the vet's preferred line of treatment wasn't some fantastic new therapy but 6-9 months' box rest and remedial farriery (both of which the owner was understandably objecting to, both of which have a much lower success rate for returning horses to work than our rehab).
As the saying goes...

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