Rabu, 26 September 2012

The job of the hoof is to support the limb

For me the high point of the RRR weekend is always catching up with the horses. Zan stole all our hearts while he was at Rockley, not only because of his sweetie-pie personality but because he had such poor feet and was so lame when he arrived last year. 
Over the weekend it was lovely to see him  - he not only looked totally happy and relaxed but several people commented on his beautiful movement.

He is quite a dark horse because although he looks like butter wouldn't melt he has a HUGE trot and the most incredible movement. Sarah says her instructor has been really impressed with how well he has progressed since coming out of his shoes.
His feet (like those of many of the RRR horses) don't look symmetrical - at least from the top - but compare how balanced his limbs are now. The lower photo is when he arrived here in March 2011 in his remedial shoes. Its a clear sign that his feet - whatever their appearance - are loading more evenly now than they were.

Perhaps its no wonder he moves better now - and its a good illustration of how important it is to look up the limb and to assess hooves in their proper context!

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