Selasa, 30 Oktober 2012

They made it!

A very quick blog post today but with some photos I am very proud of :-) On Saturday the weather was absolutely perfect - clear, cold and sunny - and after the disappointment of our earlier foggy outing, SB made it to his first day's hunting. 
He rode Charlie - having only ridden him once before - and although we only had a short morning SB did brilliantly. You need to realise that he only started riding when he came down over the summer holidays - so SB has only got 2 weeks of riding under his belt - ever! At the start of Saturday morning he hadn't even cantered - but we changed all that :-)
Charlie was ideal because he has a much smoother trot than Felix and he has known SB for many years and they have a great relationship.
I was so impressed that SB was happy to give it a go - AND he didn't fall off :-) I would never have had the guts to go hunting at such an early stage but I guess boys just learn faster on the job...
Roll on Christmas, when his 3rd week of riding can commence - and another day or two out hunting, I hope!

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