Jumat, 16 November 2012

New dawn?

Yesterday's post was a letter to one sort of vet but today I am delighted to report that my latest contact is  - or will be - quite a different sort of vet.
The student I mentioned, who had got in touch, is putting together a final year research project and as well as looking at shod feet it will look at bare feet too. Of course I've said I am delighted to help in any way I can and its great to think that the Royal Veterinary College are throwing their (not inconsiderable) weight behind the drive for evidence-based veterinary medicine. This is great news, and more power to both of their arms!

This is a feel good Friday for another reason, too - there are 2 more exciting (well, to me anyway!) developments on the horizon - but I'll save news of them till later :-)

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