Minggu, 13 Januari 2013

Very sad news

Many of you will have already seen the post about M on the Phoenix forum.  M of course was the scholarship horse who was here over the summer and he went home in September. He had many issues before he arrived - dire feet, of course but also an unexplained RH lameness which did not block to the foot and which had been ongoing for some time.
Rachel, his owner, had done everything for him - she'd had her forage analysed, fed him  the best diet sshe possibly could and had also worked extensively not just with me but with her vet and a bodyworker to try and give him every chance.

Very sadly despite the best efforts of everyone who knew him the RH lameness got worse and at the end of last week Rachel made the heartbreaking decision to have M put to sleep.

Its a tragic end to our first scholarship but M not only taught all of us a tremendous amount but left us with some very happy memories. My favourite footage of him was some we took in July when he was having lots of fun exploring the hayfields with his buddies.

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