Minggu, 12 Februari 2012

Two quick updates...

I took lots of footage last week but had no chance to post about several horses.  One of the ones I missed is Knightley - known to all of you as "Mr Knightley from Dubai" since his arrival here at the end of October!

He has now been here just over 3 months, longer than most horses, but he will remain here for a bit longer as Debbie, his owner, is still over there.  He is a very kind horse but now that he has been here a while his mischievous streak has appeared, and he takes great pleasure in taking Edward's cap off as he goes past, sticking his head across the aisle so I can't get past with a feed bucket for another horse and playing slightly rumbustious games with his great mate, Nico.  

Clearly, his stride and landing have improved a great deal over the last few weeks; what you can't see on this footage is that his right hind does tend to take a shorter step than his left hind - its more obvious on hills or turns, but is something we will be keeping an eye on, as its historically his weakest leg.

I also had no time last week to post Thomas' final piece of footage, taken just before he went off to live in Dorset on Thursday.  Mel posted this nice photo of him and new buddy Oscar, taken yesterday, and you can see how well he has settled in!  Here is his footage, a little late but none the worse for that.

As you can see, he has hugely improved in the 12 weeks he has been here.  He is making big changes to his medio-lateral balance, particularly on his RF, and it will be another 3-4 months before that change is complete, but I know Mel will do a great job of keeping him going and giving him the best chance to grow the best feet.

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