Kamis, 08 Desember 2011

Calling all owners...

I'm looking for feedback from you guys on an idea that's been bubbling away since the Rehab Reunion last September...(this photo is nothing to do with that, but Adrian posted it on Facebook and I love it - Felix, Charlie, Stacy and me on Saturday!).
It seemed to me that one of the aspects of the RRR which was most rewarding and useful was the chance to talk to other owners, compare how your horses are getting on, swap tips and advice and give each other encouragement and support.

So, I was wondering whether you would you be interested in having the odd weekend "get-together" - without horses but with other owners - when you could do just that?
It would be a good chance to go into some of the most important aspects (like nutrition and biomechanics) in more detail and to brainstorm about how to improve things.  If you were up for it, I would try and get an interesting speaker to come - there would be a charge but I would keep it as low as possible.

I'd love your thoughts and if it seems like a good idea I'll try to put something together for 2012...

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