Rabu, 07 Desember 2011

Quarter Horses can do it too (I know some of you knew that already!)

I've got to just post a couple of lovely updates that have come in over the last few days about Harvey and Nicky - both Quarter horses - who were rehabs here recently.

QHs (like TBs) are a breed that is "known" for having less than perfect feet so its nice to be able to show that even after navicular/DDFT injuries have been diagnosed they can improve when given the chance to grow better feet.
Harvey (above) went home in the summer and Nicky went home just 3 weeks ago but they have both been hard at work since then.
Nicky obviously has the most changes still to make in her feet but as you can see from the photos (above on arrival and below the day she left) she has made good progress over the time she was here.
She has already been out to a QH show - not a competitive outing of course but still everyone was pleased to see her:

"We took her up to Oakridge in Lincoln for the Christmas show and my goodness she felt fantastic.

I rode in the indoor arena (with the lovely loose reining surface) on Saturday for about 50 mins mostly in walk but I did lope (thats canter to you) a little. She absolutely loved it. Everyone was asking me if that was my new horse and the ones that knew Nicky couldn't believe it was her. Her trainer didn't think she looked any different to how she looked when she was in full time training.

Also, when I brought her out of the barn on Sunday to take her home we had to negotiate a very rocky area to get to the trailer as the carpark was so busy and I said to Chris I cant take her over those rocks and he said I bet she can do it and she did -  she barely noticed the rocks!!

So thats where we are - onwards and upwards!!"

Harvey and Kate have been working equally hard and have been doing lots of miles on all terrain which has meant Harvey's hooves continuing to improve and strengthen.  Both Kate and Terri are under strict instructions to ensure photos are taken next time :-)

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